lunes, diciembre 04, 2006

ya se siente el frio

Hoy puro trabajar en el proyecto final de pattern recognition... latex, octave y gnuplot han salvado caleta!

cuando volvi de la U, me fui muy antes al paradero asi que estuve como diez minutos afuera. Me cage de frio!

Las temperaturas bajaron, ahora hay -6 grados. anunciaron -12 pa la noche. el frio no nos intimida eso si, la andrea va a aporvechar de juntarse con una amiga mexicana en un Mall que queda en Bayshore (al oeste de la ciudad) y yo un rato mas voy a darme un piscinazo para hacer un poco de deporte. denante estuvo nevando y los gansos estan emigrando (parece que para algunas cosas no son tan gansos)


At diciembre 05, 2006 5:03 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Ohhh -6 grados... eso si es frio.

Dan puras ganas de quedarse en casa haciendo nada :P


At diciembre 07, 2006 2:08 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

You've got to explain me how to use Octave and tell me is there is a good GUI to use it because bix matrix in the terminal it's not really funny. Anyway, I know that it's powerful.
I should also have a look at LaTeX, it's wonderful for reports (especially technical reports or those using a lot of equations). I am looking forward to your courses, professor!

At diciembre 07, 2006 3:34 p. m., Blogger César said...

octave is simply words is a free version Matlab.
you ca take a look at

for a brief introduction. with code examples and useful links

you can download it from

but you should have it in your ubuntu :)

I dont use GUI, I got accustom to just use my Emacs :) which recognizes octave syntax. I work with emacs for editing latex documents, programming in octave (or C, C++ or JAVA), and doing the plots with Gnuplot. ALL in one editor! its great.

Once I finished my project I will upload the document so you can take a look to the magic I can do with all this toolkit.

I also have to mention that MAXIMA is a really good program if you have to work with symbolic equations, solve equations, factor expression, matrices and more.

of course all is free and come with your ubuntu. I have the dapper distribution. and you?

At diciembre 08, 2006 10:13 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

I got it (actually, I had it because I just remove it - Thx Synaptic - to have more space in my /). It was good but there is not any plugin like in Matlab (I needed something for designing a process dynamics and doing a layout).
I need to have another look at it but it appears to be too "textual" for me using the terminal...
I never heard about MAXIMA so thx for the tip.
I'm looking forward to seeing your work done.

For now, I'm using Edgy Eft. It's mostly because of the kernel which includes a native support for my Broadcom Wireless card.

Hope to see you tonight for the Paella :-)


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